Nine baskets filled with various types of small tomatoes in shades of red, orange, and yellow
  • 35mm
  • ƒ/1.4
  • 1/1400s
  • ISO 125
  • 0ev
Several large, cylindrical metal silos with a network of pipes and ladders against a backdrop of a partly cloudy sky
Four baby birds sitting closely together in a nest attached to a wall
A brown cow being petted by a person over a wooden fence in a farm setting, with other animals visible in the background
A fluffy, light brown chicken standing near a red and white wooden structure with a wire mesh fence
A goat standing inside a dark barn, looking out through a window at another goat outside
A goat with long ears is lying down on a circular wooden platform in a shaded area
Two goats with brown coats standing close together on a dirt ground near a red wooden structure
A horse standing in a shaded area, bending its head down towards its front leg
A pig lying on the ground next to a water bowl and a tire in a shaded area
A black and white photograph of a goat standing in a shaded area next to a fence, with a small animal, possibly a kid, lying underneath it. A water bowl is visible on the ground nearby
A person petting a dog over a wooden fence
A close-up of a cow's nose being petted by a person's hand