A bouquet of white and pink tulips in a glass vase on a table set with pink plates
  • 35mm
  • ƒ/1.4
  • 1/52s
  • ISO 125
  • 0ev
A crab hanging upside down from a concrete surface with a blurred background
A dense bush with silvery-green foliage and a few small purple flowers
A plate of French fries with a side of ketchup on a wooden table, accompanied by a rolled napkin and an empty plate in the background
A snow-covered evergreen branch with a blurred background
Snow-covered evergreen branches with a blurred background
A pink mug with the text deer Co. and a spoon inside, placed on a table with potted plants in the background
A playground digger toy with yellow handles and a green scoop is set in a sandy area, with a red digger toy in the background and a wooden fence behind them
Autumn leaves with shades of red, orange, and green, slightly out of focus
A variety of tomatoes in different colors and stages of ripeness are placed in a container on a windowsill next to a potted plant
A dark scene with a car's red taillight illuminating nearby foliage
A field of tall, green corn plants under a clear blue sky
A pile of small white pumpkins with a blurred background containing larger orange pumpkins