A small plant with green leaves and a few yellow flowers growing in a sandy, sparse environment
  • 35mm 53mm
  • ƒ/3.2
  • 1/400s
  • ISO 125
  • 0ev
A close-up of a pink flower with green leaves, set against a blurred background of foliage
A halved tomato on a cutting board, with visible seeds and internal structure
Two small mushrooms growing amidst green grass
A blue bowl containing pieces of sushi with various toppings, including yellow and red ingredients, placed on a light-colored surface
A coffee shop with a blue awning and the word COFFEE written on it, viewed from behind a blurred foreground
A colorful neon sign reading Pasquale Jones hangs on a metal bracket against a backdrop of a multi-story brick building and a clear blue sky
A brightly lit ice cream shop with a colorful sign reading ICE CREAM in large letters, located between two staircases
Silhouettes of birds perched on power lines against a gray sky, with a building and tree branches in the background
A sign advertising homemade fresh salsa, available in mild or hot, priced at $6.99 per pint
A yellow garden hose loosely coiled on a wooden deck
Silhouetted figures sitting on a dock, watching a bright fireworks display over a body of water at night