A crescent moon and a small bright dot against a gradient sky transitioning from blue to yellow
  • 90mm 135mm
  • ƒ/2
  • 1/125s
  • ISO 5000
  • 0ev
A streetlight with three illuminated arms against a clear sky
A large airplane flying against a clear blue sky
A view through twisted tree branches with a blurred background of water and foliage
A yellow mushroom growing on the forest floor, surrounded by twigs, leaves, and the base of a tree trunk
A lizard camouflaged on a tree branch surrounded by green leaves
A close-up of green leaves with a blurred background featuring water and distant buildings
A palm tree surrounded by other trees with a clear blue sky in the background
A broken tree branch with jagged edges against a backdrop of leaves and a clear blue sky
Four green parrots perched on a wire against a clear blue sky
A person riding a mountain board down a grassy hill
A close-up of a green tractor's front wheel on a dirt surface
A blurred foreground with tall grass or corn stalks, a partial view of a car, and a house with a green roof in the background